
 Hi everybody, 

I've just found a resource on ECOSYSTEMS, though the free version is in Spanish. Please have a look at it and let me know what your thoughts are! Please do not only watch the video, click on Lecturas relacionadas, Experimento, Actividad & Cuestionario. You will love it! Now just click on the image below!

Natalia asked me if I could upload the Power Point we saw in class earlier, and here it is.

In science, we are learning about ecosystems, food chains, food webs, producers, consumers, predators, prey, herbivores, carnivores, omnivores ....  And I thought you might be interested in watching some videos. They are fun!!


This is my favourite: FABULOUS FOOD CHAINS


You can also click on the image below if you want to get all the readings we are doing at school!!!

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