07 May, 2020



Spring is definitely here and the world around is SO beautiful. Look outside, take a deep breath and draw a big smile on your face. Remember to day we are having our SCIENCE lesson online. We are going to create our own mind map of the unit!!! As always, you can find here today's work. Enjoy this beautiful Thursday, you deserve it.



Morning amazing students, we are back after a long weekend and it's already Tuesday. Hooray!! And it's May, so summer will be here soon.
Today we are having another online lesson. We'll do the Sentence of the Day, and we'll also start reading a book called ...., I'm not telling you that yet, you will have to use your skills to find that out!!! And that will be your work for today during our lesson. As always, you can find here today's work. Remember to have an excellent Tuesday, go out for a walk and enjoy the sunshine!!!!
Tuesday English & Science Work, May 5th


Good morning gorgeous students, it's Thursday and we have a 4-day weekend ahead of us. Hoorary!!!!! Today we are going to have our first Science class online, it will be a short one, but we'll make sure all of us are on the same page regarding magnets and electricity. As always, you can find today's task here. See you in a minute!!!

Good morning to everyone, it's Tuesday again, but today we are having our first online class. I'm looking forward to seeing all of you there. As always, you can find today's task here . See you!!👀👀👀

Tuesday English & Science Work, April 28th


Happy National Reading Day! - Goodreads News & InterviewsHooray for Reading Day!!!
Amazing students, today is April 23rd, our International Reading Day. But, why April 23rd? Apparently it was on April 23rd when writers such as Cervantes and Shakespeare died. And this is the reason today you will have an extra task, a video titled The Fantastic Flying Books of Mr. Morris Lessmore. Please enjoy it. 

Good morning to everyone, a new Tuesday is here, please enjoy it. Tuesdays are definitely happy days 🌼🌺🌹🌹🌼🌻🌺🌼🌺. Some of you were really interested in the magnestosphere, on what exactly that is, how it works, and even how long it extends. Well, today you will have some answers!!! Good luck with it. 😊😊😊😊
Tuesday English & Science Work, April 21st
Magnetosphere the Force Be with You

Important information regarding the A2 & B1 Language tests.
We have just received information from the Consejería de Educación. Please see below.
Comunicado Consejería Pruebas Nivel Lingüístico

Happy Thursday to everyone, I feel happy 😊😍😊😍😊this morning, I feel today is going to be a good day, for all of us!! Yes, 🎼🎶🎶🎵I feel it in my fingers, I feel it in my bones, ....🎵🎶🎶🎼
As always you can see here both the English and the Science task for today. And Just a quick reminder, today, Thursday, I will be having videocalls (hangouts) with 6th B students. Let me know if you are not in the list!!!!

☂☂☂☂☂☂☂☂☂☂☂☂☂☂☂☂☂☂☂☂☂☂☂☂☂Good morning on this rainy Wednesday ☂☂☂☂☂. Just a quick reminder that today I will be having videocalls (hangouts) with 6th A students. And remember April showers bring May flowers!!! 🌸🌼🌺🌹🌹🌸🌼🌻🌺🌸🌼🌺🌹🌹🌸🌼🌻🌸🌼🌺🌹

Amazing students, we are BACK!!! I hope you enjoyed your holidays, you really earned them. Now ..., let's go back to work. As always, you can find here the English, Science, Arts & Valores tasks for this week. There is, though, a small but important change, from now onwards you will only have English & Science work on Tuesdays and Thursdays!!!!! Yes, you read it right, only on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Enjoy it!!!
Tuesday English & Science Work April 14th

Electricity and Magnetism Kids Workbook REVIEW
Arts guidelines La vida secreta de las cosas

Amazing students and families, thank you so much for all your work and help during these days. Now, it's time for all of you to slow down, relax, enjoy your time, enjoy your family and show them you're SO grateful for all those people around. We'll be back on April 14th. #Stay at home. We can do it TOGETHER.

Important - Now it's the time to finish all those tasks you haven't turned in yet and send them to me. Remember your grades will depend on this. 

Snowflake, snowflake, little snowflake falling on my head ...., yes!,  it was snowing last night in Las Rozas, little snowflakes were falling on our hands. It was beautiful.
Today is the last day before Easter you have any English or Science task, just do it carefully. 😉😉😊😉😉 And once again, thank you to all of you and to your families for being so responsible in your learning, and most importat, THANK YOU FOR STAYING AT HOME!!! Together we'll succeed.

Tuesday English & Science Work March 31st
Conductors & Insulators Powerpoint

Thank you so much for all your work. You are the BEST!!! There are only two more days of daily tasks before Easter. Here it is your task for today

Monday English & Science Work March 30th

Betty Botter bought some butter
But she said this butter's bitter
If I put it in my batter
It will make my batter bitter,
But a bit of better butter
Will surely make my batter better.

Tongue twisters, they are so much fun, and today, Friday, we are going to practice one, persevere & HAVE FUN!!

Thursday, what a wonderful day we are going to have. Enjoy it, don't waste it!! Smile, sing, laugh.

Thursday English & Science Work March 26th

Wednesday already, and today is SCIENCE day!! Get your lab coat ("bata de laboratorio") and let the experiments begin!!!! 😃😃😃🙌🙌. First, we'll watch a video about one of the greatest inventors in the world, Benjamin Franklin, and then you'll choose one experiment to do. Don't forget to share it with us!!!

Wednesday English & Science Work March 25th 2020

It's Tuesday, keep that big smile on your face. Today is going to be a great day, you are not on your own, we're all in this TOGETHER. 

Tuesday English & Science work March 24th, 2020

Static Electricity Power Point

Remember: From now onwards, when you send me your work, I'll send you the corrected version and you will have to go over it, check your work and explain why you made those mistakes, if any, so I can help you with any doubt you may have. Only considered those tasks that follow these instructions will be considered. :)

Recuerda: De ahora en adelante, cuando me enviéis vuestro trabajo, yo os devolveré una copia con las respuestas correctas, para que así corrijáis vuestra tarea. Lo importante es que, si hay fallos, tenéis que explicar porqué cometistéis esos fallos, para que yo, si no lo entendéis, os lo pueda explicar. Sólo contará como tarea entregada, aquella que tengáis corregida y en la que expliquéis los errores. :)

Morning again and welcome to this new week. As you`ve probably heard we are going to be "indoors" for the next three weeks. Just remember you can learn anything wherever you are. I'm here to help you, to answer your questions and doubts. You know how to do this, focus, work & check you really understand what you are doing. Don't forget to enjoy your time, your family, and show them you're grateful for what you have, smilesmilesmile.

Important: From now onwards, when you send me your work, I'll send you the corrected version and you will have to go over it, check your work and explain why you made those mistakes, if any, so I can help you with any doubt you may have. Only considered those tasks that follow these instructions will be considered. :)
Importante: De ahora en adelante, cuando me enviéis vuestro trabajo, yo os devolveré una copia con las respuestas correctas, para que así corrijáis vuestra tarea. Lo importante es que, si hay fallos, tenéis que explicar porqué cometistéis esos fallos, para que yo, si no lo entendéis, os lo pueda explicar. Sólo contará como tarea entregada, aquella que tengáis corregida y en la que expliquéis los errores. :)

Monday, English, Science, Arts & Valores, March 23rd, 2020
(When you play the video, turn the subtitles on, and the speed slower) 

It's Friday already. It's been a loooooong week, and all of us need a break of our daily routines. No sentence of the day today, just reading and drawing. Let your imagination and creativity fill your day, and get ready for the weekend. Enjoy your time, enjoy your family, show them you're grateful for what you have, and smile, smile, smile.

Friday English, Science, Art & Valores, March 20th, 2020
(When you play the video, turn the subtitles on, and the speed slower)

Two days more to go and Saturday!! We can make it!! I know we are tired so today's work will be a bit different. You are going to spend most of your English and Science time in front of the computer. As it's the first time you use this webpage, please let me know if you like it or not.

You are so awesome!!! Your videos are amazing, I can't wait until we're back at school to share them with you. Thank you to all the families, I know we couldn't be doing this without you. :) 😄😄
Today you will have to check two files, as we have a science reading.


Wednesay SCIENCE READING, An atom apart, MARCH 18th 2020 (Just write the answers in your notebook. Make sure you write all the details, title, # of questions. You can even check your answers, they are in the back.)

Tuesday already!!! And lots of things to do, new videos, new stories, new magazines, ... Check the Bionic Bodies in the 6th grade tab, magazines, under English.
Today, besides the usual "boring" work you have to do, you will have to record yourself!!! Good luck with that!

Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!! You are AWESOME. I'm so proud of you, turning your work in daily, checking your doubts. Please keep asking, do not keep any doubts for yourself. I'm still your teacher, though I'm not in the same room as you. Well, a new week begins, and once again, I have some tasks for you. Please check the tabs ENGLISH and SCIENCE, from time to time. Watch the videos there, take notes of what you think is interesting or new for you. I've also uploaded some short readings and really interesting magazines. They are worthy reading, I promise. I'm trying to update the blog, though I've got some issues ...

Your work for today: Monday ENGLISH & SCIENCE WORK MARCH 16th, 2020

Hi gorgeous students, it's me again. Just to let you know I've updated the SCIENCE tab and now you can find in it a section about MATTER, where you can watch some videos about Matter, Chemical and Physical Changes, Weathering and Erosion and even Oxidation!!!! I hope you enjoy them!!!!

Hello everyone and thank you so much for your work!! I know it's very hard to be at home working on your own, without your friends around. 😩😩 But today is Friday, and you will have NO work to do on Saturday and Sunday. Hooray!!!
Today, Friday, I'm uploading two files, one of them is with today's work and the other one is the planning of all the work you have to do until Wednesday. Please don´t do any work before I ask for it.
Enjoy your weekend. 😊😊

Friday ENGLISH WORK March 13th, 2020

English, Science, Arts & Valores planning up to March 18th

Click on the 6th grade tab and practise your grammar!!!!

Here is your English work for Thursday. Today you have English and Science work to do. All the details are on the first page. Remember you have to turn it in every day so I can check it and give you my feedback. 😊😊

Here it is your English work for today. I will be uploading a new file every day. Remember you have to turn it in every day so I can check it and give you my feedback. 😊😊

I miss you!!!!!